Guidelines for authors

The Editorial Board of the journal “Angiology and Vascular Surgery” kindly asks the authors to comply with the following rules of preparation of publications.


- The Editorial Board of the journal “Angiology and Vascular Surgery” provides peer-reviewing (expert assessment) of manuscripts submitted for publication. The Publisher and Editorial Board comply with the principles of the International Organization Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE;

An article may be published only after a positive expert opinion of not less than 2 peer-reviewers and if necessary a specialist on biomedical statistics;

- The Editorial Board reserves the right of literary revision and reduction of manuscripts for better perception of the text by the readers, but without changes of the main positions of the content of the material submitted.

- The data presented in the manuscript should be original. The Editorial Board does not consider the materials published previously in other periodical editions or submitted to other periodicals for publication. Exception may be cases when the author and editor directly declare deliberate republication of an article, if this, in their opinion, is important for public health. Thus, recommendations worked out by governmental and professional organizations and intended for the maximally wide circle of readers may be reprinted from other journals with the consent of their editors and authors.

- Plagiarisms and republications. It is inacceptable to use unscrupulous textual borrowing and appropriation of the results of studies not belonging to the authors of a manuscript submitted. An article may be checked for originality with the help of services (for Russian-language texts) и (for English-language texts). The Editorial Board reserves the right to check the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. According to the requirements for scientific works and publications in the journals of the SCOPUS list, the degree of originality should be more than 85%, and the total share of borrowing should not exceed 10%. It is inadmissible to submit to the journal “Angiology and Vascular Surgery” the works published in or sent to other editions.

- The Editorial Board provides an opportunity for the readers to send comments, questions and critical remarks by e-mail (

- Authors are responsible for reliability of the results of scientific studies, presented in the manuscript.

- The results of randomized controlled trials should be drawn up in accordance with the currently existing standards for studies of this design (


- The requirements to manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal “Angiology and Vascular Surgery” are set up in accordance with the common requirements worked out by the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE;

- Manuscripts submitted for publication should be written in the Russian language and correspond the subject area of the Journal. All materials are accepted obligatory in an electronic form. A printed version of the manuscript is optional. Manuscripts should be submitted in files with formatted text (rtf, doc, docx) in the Word text editor, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins (left, top, right, bottom) 2.0 cm, with hyphenation inadmissible, and automatic paragraph indent (1.3 cm). Pages should be numbered sequentially beginning from the title page and ending with the page with figure caption. The volume of the manuscript of an original article should not exceed 20 computer-typewritten pages (including references), number of figures - not more than 6; brief communication - not more than 12 pages; mini-review - not more than 15 pages, review - not more than 30 pages and 8 figures, letters to the Editor - 1.5 pages containing not more than 5 references.

From April 1, 2022, articles are received via e-mail at the Journal’s site (key SEND ARTICLE) and at the electronic address:

- The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter (on the form, duly sealed) and signed by the Head of the facility or his/her deputy. The accompanying letter should state that the material is submitted for publication for the first time. The accompanying letter should be scanned and sent by e-mail in a separate file (format jpeg, pdf).

- All authors mentioned in the manuscript should sign and send application of submission of the article for publication, whose form may be downloaded via the link, with obligatorily indicating presence or absence of conflicts of interest. This statement of the authors should be scanned and sent in an electronic form by e-mail in a separate file (format jpeg, pdf).

Conflict of interest. Authors are obliged to disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest may be considered any situation capable of influencing the author of the manuscript and leading to concealment, distortion of data or change in interpretation thereof. The presence of a conflict of interest for one or several authors should not be a reason to reject publication of an article. Revealed by the Editorial Board concealment of potential or explicit conflicts of interest of the authors may be a reason to refuse consideration and publication of the manuscript. The form for disclosing potential conflicts of interest is contained in the section “Application for publication”. The information on conflicts of interest or none should be indicated in the article in the section “Conflict of interest” in the Russian and English languages. If no conflicts of interest exist, it should be stated as follows: “The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose”.

- It is necessary to mention the authors’ contribution (in Russian and English): at which stage of preparing the manuscript each author took part: study conception and design, data collection and handling, statistical processing, draft manuscript preparation, manuscript revision, approval of the final version, responsibility for integrity of all parts of the article.


Authors’ contribution

Study conception and design - Ivanov A.A., Sidorov V.V.; data collection and handling - Petrov B.B.; statistical processing - Petrov B.B.; draft manuscript preparation - Sidorov V.V.; manuscript revision - Ivanov A.A.

- Funding. If carrying out of the study and/or preparation of the article were financially supported, the source of financing should be indicated. If there was no financial support, it should also be stated. This information should be provided in Russian and English in the section “Funding”.

- Acknowledgments. Persons participating in preparation of the paper but not authors (specialists on statistics, language, technical personnel, etc.) may be mentioned in the section “Acknowledgments” in the Russian and English languages.

The front page of the paper should bear the title of the article in the Russian and English languages (with no acronyms or abbreviations in the title allowed), followed by the information about each author (in Russian and English):

  • full names of all authors with digital superscripts corresponding to the below-defined authors’ affiliation, academic degree, position, e-mail of each author or facility they work in, ORCID of each author;
  • place of work of each author with the superscript number corresponding to the superscript of the author’s name given above;
  • full name, address and telephone of the facility where the work was done (research institute, higher education institution, chair, department, laboratory, hospital);
  • separately, full name, telephone and e-mail of the corresponding author with whom the Editorial Board will conduct negotiations and correspondence concerning the submitted material.

- The main text should be preceded by a summary (abstract) in Russian and English (length from 250 words to 1 page, formatted as mentioned above). It should contain a brief description of the essence of the study, with specific numerical material. It should include the following sections: Background, Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion/s, also indicating the study design (retrospective or prospective).

- The summary should be followed by key words in Russian and English. Acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided in the summary and key words.

- An original article should include the following sections:

  • Introduction: Brief substantiation of current importance of the study, providing the data from foreign and Russian literature with the aims and purposes of the work.
  • Materials and methods: description of the study design (retrospective or prospective), clinical or experimental material, ways and methods of solving the assigned missions, including statistical methods to be described in detail at the end of this section, wo that the reader could check the results of the study.
  • Results: description and explanation of all data obtained with the results of their statistical processing, recommendations on implementing the results or the necessity of further research on the subject concerned.
  • Discussion: state of the art of the problem studied, focusing on novel and important aspects of the study performed; comparing the obtained results with the findings of other authors (with references to both Russian and foreign literature).
  • Conclusion/s: brief description of the results of the carried out research. Conclusions should logically correspond to the missions assigned. Conclusions unsubstantiated by factual data should be avoided.

- The main text of the paper should use only standard symbols and abbreviations. All abbreviations in the main text except units of measurement (l, m2, kg, s, etc.) should be used only after the initial term deciphered in full and abbreviated in brackets.

- If 10 and more abbreviations/acronyms are used in the text, it should be followed by a separate list of abbreviations duly deciphered. Beside generally accepted abbreviations of measurement units, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (e.g., DNA), it is allowed to use abbreviations of word combinations frequently repeated in the text. All author-introduced acronyms and abbreviations should be deciphered in the text when first mentioned. It is not allowed to abbreviate simple words even if they are frequently used. Doses of drugs, units of measurement of physical values should be given in the SI system.

- Drugs should be described by their international nonproprietary name (INN), adhering to thoroughly verified dosages.

- Semantically meaningful words and phrases are highlighted in bold or italicized.


- Each type of illustrative material (charts, diagrams, figures, photographs) should be presented as a separate file in the tiff or esp format, text caption - separately in a Word format (with respective numeration). Numbers of illustrations should correspond to their numeration in the text of the manuscript.

- Charts and diagrams should be black-and-white only, to be submitted either in a separate file in a vector form in the eps format (fonts - in curves) or created in a Word program (using texture or background fills not allowed). Photographs, figures, roentgenograms (black-and-white only!) should be submitted as a separate file in the tiff format. Captions under microphotographs should indicate the scale (magnification) and the staining technique. A reference to the figure in the text of the manuscript should be as Fig. 1 (2, 3, etc.). The size of images in the submitted file should be equal to its final physical size (in millimeters), with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi or the file size of not less than 2 Mb. The name of each file containing an image should correspond to the number of figures - Fig. 1 (2, 3, etc.). Printscreen copies are not accepted.

- Tables make it possible to briefly and precisely present information, thereby reducing the length of the main text of the manuscript. They should contain only necessary data and present generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table in a Word format should have the title, not containing values easily derived from those available (e.g., difference or percentage). Explanatory captions should be given under the table. Abbreviations used in the table should be deciphered in alphabetical order. References to tables in the text of the manuscript should be made as follows: Table 1 (2, 3, etc.).

- Same-type illustrations should be similar in size, scale, and character of providing the information. The title and explanation of the content of a figure should be given in a caption (legend) rather than in the figure itself.

- Captions (legends) should be typed on a separate page (in a Word editor, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5, margins (left, top, right, bottom) 2.0 cm, with no hyphenation and should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order the figures appear in the text. At the end of each legend it is necessary to provide (in alphabetical order) and decipher all acronyms (abbreviations) used in figures.

Duplication of the same data in the text, tables and figures is not allowed.

- If a figure (table, photograph) was previously published anywhere, it is necessary to indicate the original source and obtain a written permission from the copyright owner to reproduce the figure, except documents available in public access.


- Authors should refer to original works only. References to review articles and abstracts of conference proceedings should be avoided.

- Bibliographical references in the text of the manuscript, tables, as well as captures to tables and figures should be given in square brackets in Arabic numerals, starting from [1] and so on [2, 3, 4, 5-]. Do not use for bibliographical references superscript numerals or endnotes. Bibliographical references should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. In accordance with this numeration (in the order of citation), 2 reference lists are compiled (this requirement is for publication of articles in scientific periodical editions included into international databases):

Literature [all publications in the native language (Russian words in Cyrillic, foreign words in Latin)] (state standard GOST R 7.05 2008);

- References [description of Russian-language sources (authors’ surnames, titles of sources of publications and names of publishing houses are transliterated, titles of the works themselves - a book, article, dissertation - are translated into English) (National Library of Medicine - NLM). Please, bear in mind that the necessary information may be transliterated using the site, section BGN.

-The reference list should include:

  • for books: author’s surname and initials, book title, place of publication (city), name of the publishing house, year, volume, number of pages or a reference to a particular page;
  • for journal articles: author’s surname and initials, title of the article, name of the journal, year, issue number, numbers of pages, doi;
  • for articles from collected proceedings of scientific conferences: author’s surname and initials, title of the article, name of the collected proceedings, place of publication (city), year, numbers of pages.

- Bibliography should not include references to dissertations, patents, unpublished works, and textbooks.

- In citing of electronic materials, it is necessary to refer to the respective Internet-resources (electronic documents, databases, portals, web-pages, etc.)

- In an original article, it is advisable to use not less than 10 and not more than 30 reliable sources. A review article should contain not more than 80 sources (half of which to be foreign sources). A list of references should have not less than 5 sources published during the previous 2 years in periodical editions with a high international citation index.

- The author is responsible for correctness of data given in the reference list.

Below are examples of bibliography.



Imaev T.E., Salichkin D.V,, Komlev A.E., Kolegaev A.S, Kuchin I.V., Depilin P.M., Tripoten M.I., Fedotenkov I.S., Balakhonova T.V., Akchurin R.S. Endovascular prosthetic repair of aortic arch. Angiology and Vascular Surgery. 2021; 27 (3); 14-39. DOI:


Zotikov A.E., Teplov A.A., Gritskevich A.S., Extracorporeal surgery of kidneys and renal arteries. M.: Fund “Russian Knights” Foundation. 2019; 128.

References (according to NLM - National Library of Medicine)


Imaev T.E., Salichkin D.V., Komlev A.E., Kolegaev A.S., Kuchin I.V., Lepilin P.M., Tripoten' M.I., Fedotenkov I.S., Balakhonova T.V., Akchurin R.S. Endovascular repair of the aortic arch. Angiology and vascular surgery. 2021; 27 (3): 40-45. DOI: (in Russian).


Zotikov A.E., Teplov A.A., Gritskevich A.A., Ivandaev A.S. Ekstrakorporal'naya khirurgiya pochek i pochechnykh arteriy. M.: Fond "Russkie vityazi". 2019; 128. (In Russian)

Please, bear in mind that the necessary information may be transliterated using the site, section BGN.


- The Editorial Board of the journal “Angiology and Vascular Surgery” adheres to the norms and standards of the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (WMA) “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects" adopted at the 18th General Assembly in June 1964 and revised at the 64th Congress of the General WMS Assembly in 2013,, and the recommendations developed by the Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOIMS) “International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals” in 2012, and considers that all studies involving humans and animals as subjects of study should be carried out in correspondence to the principles laid down in these documents. In the section “Materials and methods”, the authors should indicate that all patients or volunteers undergoing scientific studies signed a written informed consent.

- Such information as surnames, initials, numbers of case histories of patients should not be published in ether the text, illustrations (e. g., roentgenograms), or captions thereto, except cases when such information is important for scientific purposes. Such being the case, a written volunteer consent of the patient (his/her relatives or caretakers custodians) is required. The same applies to photographs of patients. The authors should have informed the patient of whether his/her data (including photos) would be published in printed editions or Internet. The informed consent requires that a patient giving his/her agreement for publication of his/her data has seen the manuscript and illustrative material prior to publication.

- If study objects were animals, the text of the manuscript should mention that the authors ensured human attitude towards them. In the section “Materials and methods” the authors should indicate that the researches acted in accordance with the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( or according to local or national guidelines concerned.

- Each author’s contribution to the study performed should be substantial. Each author should have taken direct participation in the research and writing of the manuscript, being responsible for its content. Other participants of the study not meeting the criteria for authorship should advisably be mentioned in the section “Acknowledgements” at the end of the manuscript. More detailed information on authorship can be found at the site of the International Committee on Medical Journal Editors via the link.

- When using citations in the text of the manuscript (in quotation marks), it is necessary to indicate in the footnote the source of the citation (author’s full name, title of the edition, its impressum, page number). Citations given in the article should be thoroughly checked by the authors.

- Manuscripts prepared not in accordance with the requirements will not be accepted to consideration. If a manuscript was considered by peer-reviewers but rejected for publication, a justified refusal is e-mailed to the authors. In some cases, the manuscript can be sent to the authors with proposals to make a series of changes and additions and to re-submit the corrected manuscript for re-consideration by the Editorial Board.

- Peer-reviewers have the right for confidentiality strictly observed by the Editorial Board. The data and comments of the peer-reviewer are neither published nor disclosed without the consent of the peer-reviewer and editor.

- Articles dedicated to jubilee events should be sent not later than 3 months prior to the anniversary date.

- All questions regarding peer-reviewing and publication of manuscripts should be sent by e-mail to:

- Confidentiality of correspondence is observed. All manuscripts and letters in all sections of the Journal are available for reading only by their authors, Editorial Bboard members, and peer-reviewers.

Manuscripts in the PDF format should not be submitted.

No fee is charged from the authors during the submission, evaluation and publication process.

Author’s copies of the Journal are envisaged, with the respective request to be sent to:

Reprints of the articles published in the Journal are freely available to the authors.

Dear authors,

Each author of our Journal is encouraged to register at the site ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), with the registration being free of charge.

Instead of entring personal data in innumerable electronic forms related to publishing articles or receiving grants, a researcher may simply enter his/her ORCID number, with various fields being filled in automatically, using the data from bases of articles, citations, grants and contact information.

The OCHID helps distinguish authors with similar names.

The ORCID solves the author name ambiguity problem, i. e., your data can always be specified by the ORCID, thus increasing your individual citation index.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to peer-review and edit the manuscripts submitted. There is no fee for publishing articles.

Articles should be sent to:

115093, Moscow, PO box 5

Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons

Editor-in-Chief of the journal “Angiology and Vascular Surgery”

RAMS Academician A.V. Pokrovsky


  • Российское Общество ангиологов и сосудистых хирургов
  • ВКонтакте
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Akchurin Renat Suleymanovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy General Director for Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Medical Research Center for Cardiology named after Academician E.I. Chazov, President of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons


In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons, the journal "Angiology and Vascular Surgery" will be named after Academician A.V. Pokrovsky starting from No. 2/2022.

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