Role of physician-in-ordinary privy councilor N.F. Arendt (1786–1859) in the formation of angiology and vascular surgery in Russia


The article is devoted to analyzing the surgical and scientific activity of physician-in-ordinary privy councilor N.F. Arendt (1786–1859) in the field of angiology and vascular surgery and putting into scientific circulation his article published in 1823 in the first issue of the “Military Medical Journal”. The content analysis of the article revealed that N.F. Arendt was one of the first in Russian literature to describe arteriovenous malformation and its surgical treatment by ligation of the common carotid artery. It was also shown that for the first time in Russia N.F. Ardent performed ligations of the external iliac and subclavian arteries, brachiocephalic trunk, constructed and introduced into practice an instrument for applying ligations onto vessels, also publishing several scientific works dedicated to vascular surgery. N.F. Arendt’s priority achievements significantly contributed to the development of angiology and vascular surgery in Russia.

Keywords:history of surgery in Russia; angiology; vascular surgery; N.F. Arendt (1786–1859); aneurysm surgery; arteriovenous malformation

Funding. The study had no financial support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ contribution. Study conception and design – Glyantsev S.P.; data collection and handling – Kryukov Yu.Yu.; draft manuscript preparation – Glyantsev S.P., Kryukov Yu.Yu.; manuscript revision – Glyantsev S.P.

For citation: Glyantsev S.P., Kryukov Yu.Yu. Role of physician-in-ordinary privy councilor N.F. Arendt (1786–1859) in the formation of angiology and vascular surgery in Russia. Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Journal named Academician A.V. Pokrovsky. 2022; 28 (3): 8–14. DOI: (in Russian)


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Akchurin Renat Suleymanovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy General Director for Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, National Medical Research Center for Cardiology named after Academician E.I. Chazov, President of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons


In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Society of Angiologists and Vascular Surgeons, the journal "Angiology and Vascular Surgery" will be named after Academician A.V. Pokrovsky starting from No. 2/2022.

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